Here is my lazy tryout of Cooties,… I should add something to it but I’m quite dry at the moment…
that looks really electron microscopic.
I’d try to add more details but it looks good as it is.
wo, cool, is that PSed? can you do that in blender? if so how? and if not, wut did u do in Ps?
Just blender. I studied some electronic microscope images and lighting is quite weird, it looks like negative image (light positioned front of “camera”) but it still casts darker shadow under the object in view. So I tried to arrange lights that way that it look like “real” First, 4 sun lights from 4 directions(-> bright edges), one negative light fron camera(-> darken a center parts), and one shadow only spot light for shadow.
wow…that is REALLY cool. you should write a tut or write some more details, cause its REALLY cool