We get Render baking for 2.43!!


I just noticed this:


that is going to make doing a “light map” super easy!!
my worlds are going to look great now with shadows :slight_smile:

I am going to download a test build and try it out later :slight_smile:

This was known for some time now. Should help to create better shaded worlds with the game engine. I’d do it after completing the world and finalizing the lighting though.


I dont usualy play with the CVS version, I only did it recently to help test things out.

Man, i might switch over tonight and start a new game with the 2.43 11c.

Just did a test…

Between the automatic uv unwrapping, and the control ALT-B, I had a shadow baked model in less than 3 minuets.

Man, it is a good time to be a blender game developer!

I’d wait until the official release, it’s supposed to be in less then a month and you’ll have all the new features that would have made it. Plus it’ll be more stable and more bug fixes.

yea, that is a good idea… perhaps I will just continue small, test projects until the official release

I work with the preview builds all the time. This is incredibly useful. The only other thing it needs is multi uv sets. I know that’s being coded in but what I don’t know is if that will be available for the game engine.

yea if we get multi UV cords, then we can have a Color texture for the looks, and another texture for the lightmap…

at least I think thats how the BSP based games do it, they just multiply a light-map over the textures.

MAN! i am excited again about the BGE in 2.43!!

I just baked me some brick walls, and now i wanna work on a cement shader to make on my meshes in the future :slight_smile:

If they look cool I will share them with everyone.