Weapon Attachments

I’m working on a few weapon attachments. I modelled everything in Blender and used Zbrush for nice smooth polish on the high-poly and here are a few of them.


Those look great, especially the holo sight.

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Thanks. The holo sight was an interesting/fun sight to work on.

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Could you share an image before and after zbrush smooth polish? I would really be interested to see what the smooth polish is capable of.

This image here you can see the grip in Blender on the left and with polish in Zbrush on the right. As you can see the topology is pretty bad, a lot of the edges are not connected, etc and taking this model and doing the old way with cleaning it up to the point that it would look smooth for your subdiv modifier, would take you a long time and pretty much waste of time. At least for me, that have be doing the old way for almost six years. I would also like to point out that, I don’t take everything on the model into Zbrush for polish. Some parts can still be done with creasing and subdiv modifier.

Once again in the image you can see the model in Blender on the left is the model, I export to Zbrush, with triangulated. I use the dynamesh master to dynamesh the model to around 3 mil vertices and use the polish feature to get those smooth edges. If you have any more questions regarding this workflow or anything. Don’t hesitate to ask.

Small update on a few more attachments