Weapon Depletion and Reload Tutorial

Added example file at the top for a further look!!! :wink:

Hey all,

Well, my FIRST tutorial!!! :wink:

Wiseman303 helped me out with this the other day, and when i saw Xintocs’ post requesting some of this information, i figured what the heck and wrote a tute!!! :wink:


I hope it comes in handy for some of you!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Great work, thank you! :stuck_out_tongue:
…could become very useful! :wink:


It’s always good to see an new tutorial appear.
Thanks for all the effort you must have put into it.

Thank you… whooh… Now I can get rid of this problem

Well, i hope it comes in handy for you guys, has for me so far!!! :wink:

But do let me know if it works as it should after following the tute, made it as simple to understand as i could!!! :wink:



Blend on, and blend well!!!