Weaved type collar

Hey guys!

I’m about to model a collar similar to the one below. I’m fairly decent at modelling but I’m trying to figure out the best way of doing it and would appreciate any input.
To get the best result (photorealistic) I figure that the “weaving” needs to be actual geometry and not textures/displacement. But how to do that the most efficient way is where I struggle. Something like model one “line” of weave, array it with a slight offset to get the second line, and then array it along a curve? That way I figure it’s easy to adjust the placement of the collar as well.

How would you go by doing it?

Playing around with good old array tricks (no Geo-nodes) of course scaling breaks it all :sweat_smile:

weaveGeo_003.blend (111.9 KB)

The edges should have something like a halfweave… (maybe after a longer break…)

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Sometimes something drives you crazy until you get it better:

weaveGeo_005.blend (114.8 KB)

Slighly better :wink:

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Yeah! Something along those lines is also what Im thinking. There’s some stitching as well that needs to be incorporated but thats probably easiest to do as separate geometry.