I’ve recently put a test page
upto see if I have embedded a blend file correctly to a web page and I cant seem to find the problem, I keep getting a blender player read error, and for others, the blend file doesnt even load.
I used :
Publisher 2.25 NaN
Plugin 2.25 NaN
and the embedding
code for the html:
<object classid=“clsid:5DB05CB8-7751-469D-A1DD-45C8C201C013” codebase=“BlenderPlayer.cab#Version=1,0,3,0” id=BlenderPlayer width=“640” height=“480”><param name=“data”
value=“Ronin.blend”><embedtype="application/x-blender-plugin"pluginspage=“http://www.blender.nl/plugin/loadplugin.php”; name=“NPBlender” width=“640” height=“480” src=“Ronin.blend”></embed> </object>
I took that code of an install html
that i got from pablosbrain.com
MAybe this will help.
Here is a link to page with a working plugin. (Works in Internet Explorer - I am using IE 5.5) I am assuming you installed the plugin on your system using the .cab file. It can be a bit tricky. What OS and Browser are you using?