Webcomic: Us the Robots

Hello, fellow blender artists.

I haven’t posted a finished project for quite some time now.

Here’s why:

You may wish to start from the beginning.

This is a never-ending project. Please help by giving me feedback of which pages you like or don’t like, your impressions of the characters, etc. Thanks for viewing!

[EDIT] Here are some links to hi-res frames, just for fun:

This is really nice, I love your style. :smiley:

Nice to see some storytelling and nice images. Like the big robot’s shoulder gears, they look badass!

“Time to take two steps back”…hahahaha

The punchlines and situations are very well themed and the styling of the models is very nice too. I like it.

Really nice work. 1 comment only - in some windows, it could be funnier with no bubbles at all, especailly in the first half or so.

haha, I had quite a chuckle to myself, especially number 1 and number 8. Nice work, man!

this is awesome!
5 stars

hi there!
wow, this is really awesome. funny, well-styled, and entertaining.
though sometimes i can’t follow the story anymore :stuck_out_tongue:
anyway, i love this so much!
great work :wink:

love it, bookmarked your page :slight_smile:

from concept to creation & presentation *5+.

Really nice comic, is it all in Blender?

very nice rendering style

Nice characters, amusing, and clean design.

Keep it up :cool:! Looking forward to more issues.

Wow, this is awesome! Gonna add this to my list of bookmarked webcomics.

Really beautiful work, especially the last one with the gears. I found the female robot a bit creepy though. Any relation to my personal favourite: We the Robots?

I thought the same thing when I saw the title.

Congratulations on the fantastic comic- I’m subscribing to the RSS feed. As mentioned already, sometimes things are more entertaining without the speech.

I love the style. Very refined - no need for backgrounds. The dialog is less interesting to me, but everything else is excellent (in my humble opinion) The clock story I like. Crisp and tight. Insperational…
I don’t know much about comics, but do people actually use 3d apps to create printed comics these days? That would be very cool.
I hope that you continue this project.

Thank you for the comments, everyone!

Really nice work. 1 comment only - in some windows, it could be funnier with no bubbles at all, especailly in the first half or so.

Thanks, pildanovak. You are probably right about the absence of speech bubbles-- I notice it in other comics, but I sometimes I forget about my own. I’m going to try and remember the power of silence in certain panels.

haha, I had quite a chuckle to myself, especially number 1 and number 8. Nice work, man!

Thank you, Brookesy, I think number 8 is probably still my favorite, too.

hi there!
wow, this is really awesome. funny, well-styled, and entertaining.
though sometimes i can’t follow the story anymore :stuck_out_tongue:
anyway, i love this so much!
great work :wink:

Thanks-- the comic isn’t meant to have an entirely linear plot, but I do try to have some cohesion between episodes. I’m going to try harder…

Really nice comic, is it all in Blender?

Blender is the only 3d application I use, but there is some gimp and inkscape involved too (for obvious reasons). It’s rendered with the internal renderer.

Really beautiful work, especially the last one with the gears. I found the female robot a bit creepy though. Any relation to my personal favourite: We the Robots?

Thanks, ben. She is kind of weird, isn’t she?

About “We the Robots”… as it turns out, the similarity is just a really odd coincidence. If you check the dates, you’ll notice that we both started on almost the same day. I even wrote to the author about it, and he was pretty surprised about it too. Our comics are completely different, so I don’t think we’ll be stepping on eachother’s toes at all.

I don’t know much about comics, but do people actually use 3d apps to create printed comics these days? That would be very cool.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a printed 3-D comic. There are some other ones on the internet, but not very many…

haha awesome. I like the part where he goes, look a fern. That one always gets me.

Awesome stuff.

cool, I bookmarked it.