Thank you for the comments, everyone!
Really nice work. 1 comment only - in some windows, it could be funnier with no bubbles at all, especailly in the first half or so.
Thanks, pildanovak. You are probably right about the absence of speech bubbles-- I notice it in other comics, but I sometimes I forget about my own. I’m going to try and remember the power of silence in certain panels.
haha, I had quite a chuckle to myself, especially number 1 and number 8. Nice work, man!
Thank you, Brookesy, I think number 8 is probably still my favorite, too.
hi there!
wow, this is really awesome. funny, well-styled, and entertaining.
though sometimes i can’t follow the story anymore 
anyway, i love this so much!
great work 
Thanks-- the comic isn’t meant to have an entirely linear plot, but I do try to have some cohesion between episodes. I’m going to try harder…
Really nice comic, is it all in Blender?
Blender is the only 3d application I use, but there is some gimp and inkscape involved too (for obvious reasons). It’s rendered with the internal renderer.
Really beautiful work, especially the last one with the gears. I found the female robot a bit creepy though. Any relation to my personal favourite: We the Robots?
Thanks, ben. She is kind of weird, isn’t she?
About “We the Robots”… as it turns out, the similarity is just a really odd coincidence. If you check the dates, you’ll notice that we both started on almost the same day. I even wrote to the author about it, and he was pretty surprised about it too. Our comics are completely different, so I don’t think we’ll be stepping on eachother’s toes at all.
I don’t know much about comics, but do people actually use 3d apps to create printed comics these days? That would be very cool.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a printed 3-D comic. There are some other ones on the internet, but not very many…