Hi all,
We (the Alexandra Institute) have written a gpu accelerated renderer that runs entirely within a web browser. We have launched a Christmas competition with the following rules
Use our renderer to create the coolest image with a Christmas theme. You can supply your own scene in basic Wavefront OBJ format.
Send a screenshot of your creation to thomas.kjeldsen {at} alexandra(.)dk.
We reserve the right to publish your screenshots on our blog (cg.alexandra.dk).
The competition ends on December 27th 2012.
The winner will be awarded a genuine Skylark-124 gaming console.
Notes for Blender users:
You must export the scene in OBJ format with triangular faces.
In the export options you should tick “Include normals”, “Write materials”, and “Triangulate faces”.
The polygon count should not exceed 8000 triangles.
When you have exported the scene to OBJ, you can load it to our renderer as shown in this video https://vimeo.com/55606763.