website for my future company

Any one here that is good in creating a website? I have the domainname but no knowledge in creating a website that looks very professional

I know some html. I can make a website with text in it. Give me the text, I will work with it.

Use a CMS, e.j. Drupal. Crating a website from 0 nowadays means also crating your own CMS which is reinventing the wheel, so don’t do it. I made this some time ago:

I don’t work for free but anyway Drupal is not so hard to use, if you don’t mess with CSS/PHP/Javascript. Most of the things you may need to implement are in modules that you download from the drupal site. It also has some good and free templates.

Consider using a web content management system, such as Wordpress. You can use the design template you like and customize it for your needs. You don’t need to know any HTML, CSS or some other scripting language to use a modern web content management system.

Here is list to choose from:

have a look here( sample website )

search for free bootstrap themes,
i can make you a responsive website, send me the details…

Drupal or Wordpress are very good, you can find free themes and then alter them or get someone to alter them to the colours you want.