It’s very hard to take you seriously with grammar like that.
hhmm… how about you look at previously made portfolio sites and use of of their ideas to base your from?? works for me when i can’t get an inspiration
Ven0mSevenX: …vitaliy:thanks man…but i looked at portfolios and cant get anythin i can cope with…thats why i posted for ideas…
Im all for the “hip-hop” culture thing, because I feel that everyone is entitled to live the lifestyle they want, but you’re posting in a forum full of intelligent and articulate people from around the world who have come here to congregate about Blender. I mean if you want people to respond to your post, you should write like you’re serious and not like you’re “jus playin around”. All that hip-hop slang bullshit is not cool here, and most members dont appreciate it.
As for header ideas, I would personally go for a glassy abstract header with ramp shaders. Blue and white are a good choice of colors, and I think you have a good idea for your site, you just need to explain yourself a bit better.
Anyway, if you do decide to go with the abstract render idea, here’s some inspiration:
Ah, I see you’ve given up on Freewebs as well:D
You could go for some nifty particle effects, they always look quite cool, but remember to keep it simple- don’t detract from the website’s content.
About the grammar thing, I personally don’t find it annoying, but people who don’t speak English as their first language might have problems. It’s quite funny though how it seems like you’re dictating what to type to someone and every time you pause they hold down the ‘.’ button:p But it’s fine as long as it’s understandable.
Oh, and happy 1000th post-day!
Ven0mSevenX - im sorry but you have absoultely no idea what you are talking about. I am personaly from NYC which is like capitol for USA’s worst language. and believe me there is absolutely no slang in what he says (he is also a homey from the NYC area btw) my personal solution to this is if u don’t know what you talking about keep your mouth shut
All that hip-hop slang bullshit is not cool here, and most members dont appreciate it.
the only bullshit i see here is probably u as u don’t know what your talking about and trying to correct some one else
haha, okay homedog from NYC, i guess you pplz is right. if eurrybody talked like dis da world would be betta off.
For one, I dont care where you’re from or where your “homies” are from, and secondly, I have the right to voice my opinion when/where I want to do it. You have no authority here and cannot tell ANYONE to keep their mouth shut. You know what, in order to shed light on this i’ll start a poll thread to see what the community here thinks about correct grammar and spelling. It’s one thing if you CANNOT speak english correctly because you speak another language, but it’s another to RETARD the english language on purpose and make yourself sound like an idiot.
Also, please note I wasn’t trying to “correct” anyone, I was just trying to give Trak Wrecka some insight as to how most articulate individuals will not take him or his thread seriously if he keeps speaking in this manner. If you want serious feedback on a forum that promotes professionalism, then you have to be professional in your approach.
Ven0mSevenX: ok first of all…go back and read the title of this thread…what does it say…WEBSITE HEADER IDEAS!on your first post u simply made a remark which was totally different from what i was asking.Then someone flames you and you snap back into the topic which is a good thing…and then you flame me some more…and then you give an idea…which is also good and thanks…but instead of wasting good forum space…couldn’t you have just shut up…and given the damn idea…i think that would’ve been better…
and BTW i choose to spell like this…one because i want to…two its how i like it…and three its easier and faster…
now lets keep this thread clean shall we??
animatinator:thanks man…yes i have given up on freewebs and i am starting one up at bravenet…yes infact i will consider a particle effect header…thanks for your insight man.
and last but not least Vitaliy: thanks man…check your inbox…
@ everyone…will be making them soon…will post them up and feedback would be appreciated…
The reason I even gave you any feedback at all was because I felt sorry for you. You had just started your thread and it was already dieing, sinking to the bottom of the list.
Then I criticized your post so that you could learn why your thread was dieing in the first place.
Good luck with that… we’ll see what happens…
aww thanks for feeling sorry for me…:no:…is that what you want me to say?
ok…we’ll see how it goes…hopefully ill get good feedback…
post removed by Ven0mSevenX
Im sorry, I might have gone too far with that last post. My frustration started with grammar and spelling not with you as a person, I’ll remove the text in that post as an apology.
Nevermind, it’s useless, you already quoted me.
its ok…just forget about it…yes you went too far…but ill also edit my post so that this thread wont get locked…
Aside – that image rocks, VenomSeven. Hope you don’t mind if I use it as my desktop background for some time
No problem, thanks for the comment = ) You may use it as you wish
Ok, Im jumping in here kind of late, but I think I can see the main problem here:
but you’re posting in a forum full of intelligent and articulate people from around the world
Ven0mSevenX, I think thats the root of your problem with said language. I dont think it makes him any more or less intelligent. You say your fine with any lifestyle, but you are being rather rude to trak about his.
But Trak, I have the same message: That grammar does give the impression of a kid who wants to be a gansta Thats fine, but as Ven0m pointed out, this is a CG forum. You can keep your grammar(your entitled to it), but it will give people a predetermined image of you. Hence, maybe not taking you so seriously. Just of side effect of gangsta-speak, mayn.
Peace!(I like that image Ven0m)
ok…just wondering what is a good size for a web header???
I’d say about 780 by 180 pixels, that’s what Freewebs used and I’m going to use it on my new website as well.
Looking forward to seeing the finished site:D