Website hosting

Hey, anyone know a good, free web hoster? I registered a domain name, but need a place to host a site. Any ideas?

try your ISP.

most internet plans come with 10Mb of hosting space.


Eh. I pay money. $30 a month or so hardly hurts.

Try, thats who I use, no problems so far.

Try also just buying a computer mag, they always have loads of ads in them for hosting.


geocities. seems to have a good package, im probably going to use that.

did you REALLY just suggest giocities?!


I use, 100 MB space, 1000 MB transfer, ah hell, just look here.

Use bluehost!!!
A GB of space, 50GB transfer, free domain, 20 MySQL, 20 PostgreSQL, 20 Subdomains, and really great support, only $7 a month!

And if you are going to sign up, PLEASE use this link.
I would get $65 for it, if you used that link. :smiley:

euh, let check mine :

200 Mo,
Unlimited bandwith (well only limited by the unique server for all personnal pages, but it’s a small ISP)
php, SQL, free DNS if you have a domain name

some are better than others (ok it’s not the cheaper either)

Going to give it whirl this week, if the 5-day trial is good enough I’m going to buy HTH S2 w/

Is there a free one that supports PHP?

I would get $65 for it, if you used that link.

After comparing BlueHost to 1&1 I opted for BlueHost. $65 headed your way!

WOW, THANK YOU!!! :smiley:

I just realized I don’t get the money unless I get at least 2 people to sign up! :o
Anyone else need hosting? :wink:

thats cheaper than $8!!!
and I get 30Gb [unless they mean bits] more per month to boot!

[however I don’t have time to maintain a website at this time]

thats cheaper than $8!!!
and I get 30Gb [unless they mean bits] more per month to boot!

[however I don’t have time to maintain a website at this time][/quote]
Oh well… :frowning:
And yes, it’s bytes. :smiley: