ok I have this tiny problem. I can’t decide what to call my upcoming website.
My current name is Lasse Bruntse, and Im soon going to be called Lasse Rützou Bruntse.
I got some diffrent ideas but dunno about any of them, so here a list. you may come with ideas too ofcourse ;). but what do you think?
(note: this is not a contest)
2.LasseRutzouBruntse.dk (too long)
lrb.dk is allready taken :(.
Free hosting at http://www.cjb.cc .
If you’re looking to pay, I think just www.lbruntse.dk would be a catchy name.
Possibly also www.lasserbruntse.dk, though that’s a bit longer.
In this situation, last names are more important than first.
Free hosting at http://www.cjb.cc .
If you’re looking to pay, I think just www.lbruntse.dk would be a catchy name.
Possibly also www.lasserbruntse.dk, though that’s a bit longer.
In this situation, last names are more important than first.
Thank you. lBruntse is an good idea exept that I want “Rutzou” to be in the name… So maybe lrBruntse, hmm.
Meaning “the stuff that Lasse serves up”
Derived from the word Laissez-fare, which is quite commonly used in the english sense. Laissez-faire [lɛse fɛr]) or laisser-faire is short for “laissez faire, laissez aller, laissez passer,” a French phrase meaning “let do, let go, let pass.”
Just a play on words really.
I’d suggest Lasphere.dk …
Now then, on to more important matters.
Where is my $50?
I know you said that this is not a contest but I’m going to ignore that and let you give me the first prize
LasseFare sounds cool. very close to ‘Lasphere’ (btw. the idea of the name ‘lasphere’ comes from the same cool french.thingy (let do, let go, let pass) )
Lasphere.dk is also a good option, but what if I decide a new nicname for myself? I think ill go for lasserb.dk, so no 50$ for you Blenderist. haha.
lasserb - because people would/should/MUST regonize both my names in it.
Normally I’d lock this immediately, but under the circumstances I’m going to leave it open just so I can ask: why on earth did you resurrect this almost three years later?
why on earth did you resurrect this almost three years later?
Haha well, I just came across it and saw that people had responded. Did’t even realise that three years had almost passed since I posted this.
hehe, just go ahead and lock it. It doesent really matter…