Hi all, up until this point I have been a perfectionist and never finished anything. And I set out to change that. I am going to create an animation a week, there are going to be errors, there are going to be glitches, stiff animation, but the point is to break out of the deadly loop of creating nothing.
While its never going to be perfect (wew) I’d still love constructive criticism, let me know what you think, and if you see something that could be better, let me know. Every week these animations should be improving.
well may i give a comment on it.
nice idea (both the movie, and to actually produce one once a week).
But also while watching i missed something, but this is more about comic alike story telling.
Man walking against tree, hangs mid-air tree (+ add ) glides downwards from the tree, with some cartoon movie sound.
The beer just turned away?, not even a roarh scream or… you know if you make comics then you should keep some open end.
for example he took away the spear, then a zoom in into his face, angry eyes… but in a twist a butterfly passes camera or so… in such a way that people wonder what will happen next, or will he attack , or butterfly…?? ; for a next episode the butterfly could do some twist in the story one wouldnt suspect (like how jokes work), it doesnt need to be a joke, but mixing story lines (ea a different storry in another storry; has his charm and that worked for a lot movies and comic books, (side gags).
Maybe you sohuld try it and think about how extending it to a story, and learn comic script writtting.
Newspaper often offer limited space to tell something, a short movie must look a lot like that.
Interesting, thanks for your advice. This animation was just a test to see how I’d go finishing something. From here on out I’m planning on using ‘sayings’ or ‘quotes’ as a story base, for example, an eye for an eye.
Haha, I looked and looked for a good roar sound, however could not find anything that did not sound super cheesy, and the time was running out.
I’m not planning on creating a continuing series, and I’m keeping each episode short and separate, that way I have full creative freedom. However, in the future I have plans on creating an on-going series, I have developed the story, characters and concept art, however its a far to ambitious project for me to work on by myself at the moment.