Weekly Animations

Hey all,

Feel free to check out my latest animations here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFXU7NFG7dOU6k2m0WZ5IpQ

I’m currently up to week 4 in my personal animation challenge. Week 4’s animation is a great example of what the animation challenge is all about. Being busy all week, sick and guests staying at my house, I had very little time to create the video. However as you can see, its up, its on time and its OK. (Full thing created in 8hrs, start to finish including render time)

The whole point of this challenge is for me, to stop being a perfectionist, I’m sure we’ve all been there, tweaking one small, useless part of something, whether it be an animation, sculpt, rig or painting. In doing this challenge I have been practising to ‘drop’ or ‘cancel’ certain parts, ‘cut corners’ that I never would have before.

That said, I still want to create high quality content, its just that I am happy to sacrifice it if i need to :slight_smile:

Here’s the end scene for Week 4

I’m always open to constructive criticism, questions or suggestions

Is this finished or a work in progress? you posted the exact same post in both forums.

Better to create one post then spamming the fourms.

Hi double,

Yes, well its finished (Because this week is finished), and work in progress, since every week I upload a new video using the feedback I gather. Often the ‘type’ of critique given slightly differs from each forum, however I understand your concern, and will keep your advice in mind.
