Weight paint backfaces in 2.8

Since the ‘Limit to selection to visible’ button is gone and ‘Backface Culling’ doesnt seems to work in weight paint mode. How does one weightpaint through meshes in 2.8?

That one in the middle which says “Show whole Scene Transparent” is the one you want. Shortcut, for now at least, is M.

You now have to turn off Front Faces Only and enable 2D Falloff.

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Really weird place to put it there and the naming “2D Falloff”, not really self explanatory.
Why not one setting for all backface editing for mesh editing, sculpting and and weight paint (like in any other 3D Application).

Thanks mate!

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INdded, each time i havent done this in a while i forget it and need search like crazy. Then i find out again the naming is super misleading :frowning: