Weight paint smooth question

I have recently discovered something that can save my life:) But not sure if its only way and right way to do it. So in weight paint mode there is no smooth or smudge weight tool which makes weight painting sometimes very difficult and its not possible to avoid stretches of the mesh or mesh pinching and staffs like that. Sometimes Blur tool helps but not always. But i found if i see unsmooth areas in weight paint mode and cannot solve them with blur tool than i can go to edit mode and use smooth vertex or go to sculpt mode and use smooth tool and than if i come back to weight paint mode i dont see weird stretches anymore.

Here on first screen you can see area where blur tool will not help

Also if i am rigging and raised the arm of the character than if i am not happy with a transmission from neck to the shoulder where is two bones meets - clevicle bone and shoulder bone and i cannot smooth that crase beetween two bones only by using weight paint than i go to sculpt mode and use smooth tool and inflate tool and i have no problems.

Also sometimes if i chech preserve volume on armature modifier it helps a little bit but most of the time it just makes all vertices bigger and i dont use it. Still dont know exatly when that button Preserve volume must be checked and when no. So if you know tell me please. So is that right way to do it & To use edit mode and sculpt mode if i cannot do smoothing properly in weight paint mode?


here’s a guy that has a good tutorial that gives some information on this…

also … another cool video on ‘smoothing’ in weight paint

Thanks. A few useful things there.

There’s a smooth tool but you need to enable vertex selection to use it. It’s very useful though.

Also sculpting on a rotated arm is a pretty bad idea because the vertices will still be affected when you reset the pose transforms. You can add shape keys and do the sculpting in a (corrective) shape key, then you can animate the shape key (or use a driver) and make the rotated arm look good that way.