Weight painted material not posing properly


New to this form and blender, I’ve been messing around with the rigify rig and am trying weight paint materials to the vertex groups. However when I am setting a weight to a material it creates a ‘stretch’ and the material does do what its supposed to. I’m having trouble describing the issue.

In the screen capture pictured, the material is weight painted to the thigh vertex group, the whole material is weighted the same, yet some of the material is stretched, not consistent with its weight paint. Am I explaining the issue properly?

Also, it seems that these materials move the same with any bone in pose mode.

I am uploading my blend file if anyone would mind looking at it. Just pose the rig and you will see the materials are not uniformly following the pose, regardless of the weight paint applied. Any input/help is appreciated! :eyebrowlift:


FrogmanRigParented.blend (6.63 MB)