Weight painting limit total weight to 1

Hey everyone, I am relatively new to weight painting. I am modelling my first fleshy, or non-rigid model and can’t make any progress in weight painting. I want to paint like normal, but not allow my painting for the current bone to put any vertices total weight over 1. Using the normalize buttons every bone gets messed up, I want to be able to make one bone correct, and then move to the next and know that I can’t go past 1 weight by overlapping the first bone, but also not modify the weights on the first bone. The “Auto normalize” check box also doesn’t help, it modifies weights on unselected bones rather than just limiting the current one.


Take a look at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y8mOQBOHxA You can also lock (in the vertex group panel) all but the bone you want normalized and hit normalize in weight paint. There are several options in Normalize all that you can also use. Such as deform bones only so you don’t mess up your other vertex groups.

Sorry about the delay, I chose a bad time to ask the question :stuck_out_tongue:
That was very helpful thank you. Good tutorial, I’ll go through more when I get time.