Hi, I have created a low poly style character and I am having significant trouble weight painting him for rigging. When I modeled the character I had him seperated into different parts head, jacket, etc, but then I combined the parts into one mesh because I thought it would make it easier to rig. Looking back now I think that was a mistake. When I move his right leg his head seems to move too. I don’t understand why it is doing this as I don’t see any weight paint on his head. Any critisism or advice is welcomed thank you.
I solved it for you, just look at the child bones, the bone toe.r has weight paint on the head. Paint it blue, or go into edit mode select the head vertices, and in weight paint select vertex masking hit ctrl K with the weight value set to zero.
I am currently wait painting my model now. I have noticed that when I tilt his head with the head bone his head will go right through the jacker cuff even though the jacker cuff has the same weight as his head, how can I fix this?
Also I have weight painted his right leg, how do I copy the weight paint so that it will mirror his left leg? I don’t want to individually paint his left leg if there is a way to do this thanks.