Weight painting problems and questions

Greetings everyone.

I registered to seek help as I have rather big problems with rigging in blender. While I was able to grasp how to paint weights I have troubles with more technical matters.

My problem is that I have part of mesh that have vertexes snapped together I can paint one on them, but rest remains unpainted and I NEED them rigged. Same problem with faces regrouped with their copy backfaces, vertexes cover each other and cannot be painted as seen here:


^board didnt let me to hotlink it, so you have to opent this one yourself.

I was able to paint vertexes from below (red stuff), but nothing happens if I try to paint from the top (its still blue).

In milkshape I would easily solve this problem by simply selecting said vertexes all at once and manually setting their weight. I tried doing same thing in blender (Edit mode->select vertex-> N) but it seems you cant assign vertex weight manually if vertex isnt assigned to anything.

I want to know:

  1. How to paint weight on ALL vertexes under brush (tried out all the setting and I wasnt able to do so)?
  2. Is it possible to manually assign vertexes to bone along with setting their weight, like in milkshape?

Mesh editing or using different program is out of question.

Im blender n00b as I only had crash course in rigging.

Please help!

For what I can read my friend you fully qualified for a GINGERBREAD tutorial. Or the HANK “Hello world Tutorial”, then all your questions will be clarified. It teaches you very simply how to edit a Mesh, how to rig it and how to skin it ( weight paint ). The tutorial is quite short, quick and a valuable source of knowledge.

I am not able tp give you the link now since Blender.org is down right now. Search for it in Google. Tomorrow I will check it and post it here.

Good Luck !

BTW, your link " Attachment" does not work.

I did look quite a bit for tutorials before I decided to start a topic here. I was able to figure out how to paint weights and I was able to get my newly rigged models working ingame (mount & blade). However I run into that trouble with vertexes snapped together/covering each other. I dont want any more from blender then rigging, Im doing all the modeling in milkshape as I know that one much better.

Please answer my questions, blender tutorials have unfortunate tendency to be hard to understand to newbie, all Im asking is how to weight paint ALL of vertexes under brush, I tried different settings for brush, but without success.

My friend, your words clearly show that you haven’t read any Blender tutorial.

You are asking here something like: How to fly a plane? Well… There is not one line answer for that, right? If you think that flying a plane is as easy as riding a bike, well maybe planes aren’t for you.

The same occurs with weight painting ( skinning your model ), Blender is not a Toy, it is a full sophisticated program to produce outstanding professional results, then as such and as any other good 3D commercial software requires dedication, learning and patience. You do not see to have any of them…one more time, here is the tutorial, it does not make sense to write pages when they were already written by professionals.


One step at a time, BTW, Blender tutorials are very easy to understand, I do not know what are you talking about.

If you read the tutorial, you are welcome to come back with specific questions to help you get your project done, but generic questions as HOW TO FLY A PLANE? will lead you to tutorials there is not a work around.

You need to invest some time in specific areas, using any software you like:

Video Edition-----------among others like cloth simulation, game engine…etc etc etc

" All of then are included in Blender for FREE, it is your choice to use any program you like, I was used to switch to Zbrush for details, not anymore since Blender Sculpting in 2.5 are better than ever ! So my friend the path of your goals are here, it is all to you time and dedication.

Good Luck.

Manual vertex group assignment:
Weight painting:
read the ‘Weight-Painting survival tips’ at least twice…

Basically, from what I’ve read, your mesh isn’t really very good for animation, but that’s not my problem. There is the info you wanted.

BTW, if you want help for animation problems, you might get better results if you post in the ‘support->animation’ section instead of the ‘artwork-animation’ section, this thread is for showing your animation work…

Also, sometimes it helps to visit the website of the software you are using and read the manual…
