Greetings everyone.
I registered to seek help as I have rather big problems with rigging in blender. While I was able to grasp how to paint weights I have troubles with more technical matters.
My problem is that I have part of mesh that have vertexes snapped together I can paint one on them, but rest remains unpainted and I NEED them rigged. Same problem with faces regrouped with their copy backfaces, vertexes cover each other and cannot be painted as seen here:
^board didnt let me to hotlink it, so you have to opent this one yourself.
I was able to paint vertexes from below (red stuff), but nothing happens if I try to paint from the top (its still blue).
In milkshape I would easily solve this problem by simply selecting said vertexes all at once and manually setting their weight. I tried doing same thing in blender (Edit mode->select vertex-> N) but it seems you cant assign vertex weight manually if vertex isnt assigned to anything.
I want to know:
- How to paint weight on ALL vertexes under brush (tried out all the setting and I wasnt able to do so)?
- Is it possible to manually assign vertexes to bone along with setting their weight, like in milkshape?
Mesh editing or using different program is out of question.
Im blender n00b as I only had crash course in rigging.
Please help!