weird bug can someone test it ?

Hi … can someone test the bug
please assign space as pan in clip editor and try to pan at movie clip editor

now hold spacebar then move your mouse ( similar to photoshop ) navigation
Q > does your mouse flicker as you pan and not smooth?

Edit :

i tried combination of mouse + spacebar = its flickering but manageable has slight sluggish

while my main Tablet + Spacebar = flickering not manageable theres a huge sluggish movement + broken pan

Note : only Movie Clip Editor has these effect at me … Other UV EDITOR 3DVIEW NODE EDITOR has similar setup Spacebar = Pan i dont have mouse flicker while panning

The spacebar is already mapped to the search function, unless you’ve changed that already. If you haven’t, you’re probably running into a conflict where Blender can’t decide which spacebar function you want. That’s not a bug, except perhaps a bug that you introduced.

no i already disable the search function all my pan … is working in 3D view UV editor Node Editor and other no cursor flickering

the movie clip editor pan is also working but there is flickering or blinking cursor as you pan and it has very slugish pan compared to other

This is how it looks like

ive reset the blender and disable all the spacebar except for panning at movie clip editor

Edit :