Weird edges when rendering

Hi. I am having a problem with a render.

Everytime I render I get this edges which look so low poly but they are actually quite detailed. Anybody knows how to fix this.

Few notes:

Already tried with Antialiasing 8-11 etc but nothing changed
Behind the wood shutters there is a plane with an emission shader so it looks only white outside.
Rendered in cycles.

Here is the pic.

So please help!

Sometimes Cycles can have problems finding a decent anti-aliasing solution in high contrast areas, especially when bright highlights are involved. You could either increase the amount of samples or activate clamping in the Sampling tab. This will avoid brightness values exceeding a certain limit and therefore reduce the brightness contast.

Left half of image: No clamping. Right half: “Clamp Direct” set to 2.

Tried everything but still not working. Added more geometry, i guess i will have to keep figuring out. If anybody finds out first let me know!! thank you IkariShinji for your help!

Any chance for you to post the scene file, for example at pasteall? Would make diagnostics so much easier for us!

Antialiasing goes fine in your scene, but you have really strong light from outside. It probably exceeds 1.0 (pure white) substantially.
If you need such a strong light - no problem: You can use Light Path node to force this material not to exceed 1.0 when seen by the camera, but for lighting leave it at this high strength you need.
Hope you know what I mean.
I assume you are using emitting mesh from outside the window.
Try shader like this:

Hello IkariHinji. Definitely helped and improved my render I appreciate your kindness for this specific help. I was going nuts but it worked. Also BartekSkorupa thank you, that was another approach I used for a different scene and it also helped a lot. For the final scene I actually used both your tips and now everything looks fine! Thank you. Appreciate it!