Me and the Game Engine don’t seem to go hand and hand :no:. About 50% percent of the times I’ve entered the game engine it crashes before, on, or after I enter the game engine. Some of my own fault, such as zooming in too much on high res textured planes. Some, by some odd reason such as my character walks for a few seconds, then crashes. I can have some times where my scene runs at 30+ frames one time, then crash when I enter it again. What I want to know, is my computer at fault, or is it what I’m doing in the Game Engine (Which is fairly simple stuff), or is it just the BGE? Sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense.
The easiest possible solution is to try re-installing Blender and your graphics drivers. But odds are that that isn’t the problem.
For us to help you, you need to provide some more information. OS, graphics card, version of blender are the most important.
You will have to tinker and see if you can get it to crash consistently, to narrow down where the problem comes from (though you said it was unpredictable). Also, run Blender in a terminal (there are different ways to do this depending on your os) and post the output it gives when Blender crashes.
I kinda figured I’d need to provide more info.
My OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3
Blender: 2.48a (I always stick to the newest verison)
Graphics Card: Intel 82865G Graphics Controller (I think that’s it… I can have problems locating things in my computer… At times…)
thats ur problem rite there, i upgraded to xp sp3 and blender kept crashing for me to, just downgrade to sp2 again and it shouldnt crash… as much. it still crashes for me but not nearly as much as it did wen i had sp3.
Hmmmmmmmm… Makes sense. I could try that. Has anyone else had more crashes after upgrading to Service Pack 3? Well, I’ll try it.
…But I did figure out why Blender was crashing when I was making my character run. Turns out when the armature leaves the window area (No Camera) The game crashes, I’ve tried it with a camera parented to the armature, he’ll walk endlessly.
I have XP service pack 3 and I don’t have any crashing problems, wierd though.
My stats are very close to yours wiiare. I noticed blender crashed more frequently depending on the windows theme that was running at the time. For example, when I run this theme, blender never crashes. However, if I run this theme, blender crashes more often (about 20% of the time).
But this only seemed to happen in versions of blender that were older that 2.46… or so I thought. Maybe the bug is back?