Weird Issue with Lamp/Camera and Layers

Hey, I have a really odd situation here.

I am following Blender tutorials on WikiBooks called Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

I’m on the part where I practice modelling a military Jeep, finished appending the remaining seat, wheel, and rocket launcher object files, etc… And I ran into this really freaking weird issue where the layer selection buttons are completely gone from the 3D View toolbar! By default, they are supposed to be there. I am not sure when this happened, but I don’t know how to get that UI element back.

Also, the camera and Lamp are completely gone as well. I thought they were hidden, so I pressed “Alt-H” and it did absolutely nothing. I can’t manipulate or see the camera and lamp, even when selecting them on the outliner…

I wanted to pan and move the camera around, but since it’s completely gone, and unhiding does nothing, I then, lastly, tried to move around layers. I temporarily disabled the emulate numpad option, and pressed 0-9 and Alt-0 to Alt-9, and still nothing…

I am using Blender 2.79b on Debian Unstable

Any ideas or solutions here? Could this be a bug?

are you in local mode ?

show some pic of UI
and if you can upload the file so we can analyse it !

happy bl

Not sure what local mode is.

I can’t upload it directly since I’m a new user. So here:

Press “Numpad /” or in the header menu select View > View Global/Local

Ah, a learner of the Old Skool. Not too many of those still around, I think. (Former contributor to that same WikiBook speaking here.)

  • Are you in Object Mode? The layer buttons don’t appear in other modes.
  • If you are, are you in Local Mode? The layer buttons will disappear if so.

Hey, that worked!

Cool. Thanks a lot. I didn’t know how to search my problem Online, so I had to ask here. Whew. I think the tutorial recommended to hide those at the beginning, but I had forgotten how to turn them back on.