Weird lines on normal map


I’m having weird lines on my normal map. I used it to fake the wrinkles of the shirt and use a lower poly shirt model.
Though I have those lines… It’s barely noticeable if I use a clear color for the shirt…

(Click on the pictures to see them in full size)

  1. With the normal map

  2. Without the normal map

  3. Here’s the normal map done with Blender (I resized it to 256512 but original file is 10242048)

Do you know what’s the problem???
Thanks :smiley:

Can you show where are those weird lines?

also you might want to use a “tangent” normal map

and i do not see any “odd” lines

Zoom in and you’ll see them (they look a bit like contour lines):

What color depth is that normal map?

that is do to using a 8 bit bump map to make the normal map
– there are ONLY 256 tones in a 8 bit image ( a 16 bit has 65536 tones )

HOW are you making the normal map ?