I’m having the oddest problem with a model I’m working on. As you can see by the pic, every other one of the middle group of spars on the model has reversed normals. I tried ctrl+n, but it doesn’t do anything. I tried ctrl+a, nothing either. I manually copied them and also tried extrude dup, same results. Yet there’s nothing about each particular spar that should make it screw up like that. I checked - no interior faces, nothing like that. I’m at a loss as to what’s wrong.
off-topic - it took me forever to attach this pic! didn’t want to link the url, didn’t want to link the pic, didn’t want to upload from url…yeesh.
Really hard to see anything in your attachment. I do have a one thought though. Sometimes a complex mesh will confuse blender when calculating normals. In that case you can select the inverted normals and flip them manually. [W>>,Flip Normals] Of course, when you are forced to do this an automatic recalculation will revert the confused normals to chaos so you have to align all normals carefully after.
By duplivert did you mean actual dupliverts or just the extrude dup? In either case, I redid it a couple times with extrude dup, and it worked! Weird. Thanks for the help!