Trying to render a bottle , whenever i try to press ctrl+alt+0 to setup in the position i want the camera , one of the parts of the bottle gets like this or it renders from inside the glass material i got . I tried to delete and set another camera but still same happening
That view tells us nothing. A camera View would have been better as well as this view…
What are the Settings for your camera ( default?)
Is your view you want to close to the object when using Ctrl+Alt+0?
Check the Screen clipping and also the Camera Clipping and adjust if needed, also set the Camera Focal Length if needed…
This is the camera view i get
Everything you mentioned is already adjusted . Its supposed to be like this on this viewport view and not inside the object as you seen
Try this…set that View in your last pix, then use the drop-down View > Align View > Align Active Camera to View…
I don’t understand what all you have going on…You have Parented the Bottle to an empty, with Offset, but the Bottle is aligned to the -Y axis instead of Z+
Is that part in the background the inner bottle and the Dropper ( at the cursor location)… if so, how or why are you getting the Bottle ( which I assume is the part on this side of the Camera in your first view) located all combined in the textured view?
Can you share the Blend, don’t need the textures.
Can you confirm if you can download it ?
It looks like you have set the Bottle (Cube) object as the active camera. (you probably hit Ctrl+numpad 0 with the bottle selected)
go out of camera view and select the camera object (camera), then Ctrl+Numpad 0 (set active object as camera), or in the view menu cameras - set active object as camera.
Now the camera is the active camera Ctrl+alt+0 should work how you expect.
I did that and still having the same issue , no ideia why its rendering from inside the bottle
It works for me, here is your file with the camera set to active camera instead of the bottle.
I deleted the bottle because it had over 1700000 verts! and was too big a file to share.
vidrosupl2.blend (191.9 KB)
It is because you had the bottle set as active camera.
Not sure why you need that much geo for the bottle.
This is a video of what I did (at the end I am just using Ctrl+alt+numpad0 to place the camera.
Posting as a new answer because I opened you file again and even when setting the camera as active camera when I hit render it reverted to the “cube”.
I tried changing the “local camera” in scene properties from “cube” to “camera” but when hitting render it kept reverting to the “cube” object.
Not sure why but there is something in your file that seems to be overriding the camera settings.
If you open the file I uploaded in my last post (vidrosupl2.blend), you will see I deleted the object called “cube”, you can append your bottle object (called “cube”) from your original file into my file and the problem no longer occurs.
It did work thank you so much
I’m also posting as a new answer … I also opened the file and was confused as to why, I also found that the Cube at some time was made the active camera, but also for some reason, probably trying to stop the render being inside the bottle, the cube was also Bound to a Marker on the timeline, so at render-time it reverted back to the cube as camera rendering itself…Deleting the marker didn’t do anything and since there were no other keyframes, still couldn’t find out why…
Glad that appending worked, and you found a solution to your problem!
Ahh, well it sounds like you are getting closer to the dilemma, I was checking all the custom properties on objects and scene (there were loads in the original file none in mine.) Mostly from addons flip fluids, ant landscape, Gaf props, luxcore etc.
Lol, I did not check keyframes.
I found a way of getting rid of the marker in the graph editor- marker menu - delete marker. after deleting it you can then set the camera as camera and it no longer reverts.
Yea it worked because I deleted the cube and saved the file, then appending the cube object back appended the cube without the fiendish marker.
Just goes to show that after all these years there are loads of bits of Blender I have yet to explore!