Weird Place to Find a Blender Image

I was scrolling through Google News today and found an interesting news story.

Make sure to check out the picture of the tomato that they are using. It’s a cropped Blender Image.

I found it hilarious how they thought it was an actual picture of a tomato. Go Blender, and go Enrico Cerica:

hehe :smiley: that’s kinda neat. i didn’t notice untill looked up close, the hair is pretty bad, but the tomatoes are great :smiley:

Aha! Awesome!

That’s a big compliment to the artist that they thought it was real. :slight_smile:

not cropped… scaled :wink:
but yeah, pretty cool i wonder if they knew it was CG or not.
nice find

I assume they’re running that with Enrico’s permission, but if they aren’t, then somebody ought to let him know about it.

That is so neat!

hehe, that would be a surprise

Which can be found here in google search.

art imitates reality…in this case, art becomes reality.

Am I missing something? Those two pictures are obviously different. The news article has a photo of red and green tomatoes…

those are 2 completely different images.

Well, that was (not-so-) fast.

Yep, looks like they swapped it out and stole yet another image from google image search instead:

Pretty pathetic.

Hi Guys,

Funny story !
I sent them a email to inform them that the image was a CG artist work and that they can’t use it without the author’s permission. I expected at least a polite answer with some apologises but nothing ! Anyway they got my message as they replaced the image.

Thanks for pointing this, we should protect our works when they are used for commercial purposes.

Did you know that something similar appent to @ndy,

If this company had to replace the image, this would be harder for sure :wink:

Not necessarily weird… I just didn’t want to start a new thread… BBB used for advertising already XD

Ah, VLC is a great player so why not play a great animation on it? hehe

COol. And cool.

Glad you got in touch with them and they removed the image enricoceric. Too bad they just grabbed someone else’s image instead of walking to a market and snapping some themselves.