Weird problem with shading in texture mode and game engine

For some reason, when in the game engine and textured mode, the top part of my model is shadeless. I have no idea why it’s happening - it happened completely out of the blue.

Could anyone help with this? Here’s the .blend
Zurg Blaster.blend (454 KB)

The normals are wrong.

  1. Select the top part.
  2. Press tab to enter the edit mode.
  3. Select all fves wit A-key.
  4. On the left side menu (T-key) press the button Flip Direction or Recalculate.

That didn’t help with the shading, but thank you very much anyway.

I joined it with the lower part which has solved it for now, but I did kinda want them to be seperate.

So if anyone knows how it’s gone wrong and how to solve the shading issues, please post.

EDIT: Joining the higher part to the lower part and then seperating them seemed to do the trick. Thanks everyone.

I have forgotten to wirte you have no light in the layer 9.
Without light the shading can’t be calcualted.

  1. Select the light.
  2. Press M-key.
  3. Shift select the layer 9.