August 27, 2011, 5:40am
For some reason, when in the game engine and textured mode, the top part of my model is shadeless. I have no idea why it’s happening - it happened completely out of the blue.
Could anyone help with this? Here’s the .blend
Zurg Blaster.blend (454 KB)
August 27, 2011, 6:36am
That didn’t help with the shading, but thank you very much anyway.
I joined it with the lower part which has solved it for now, but I did kinda want them to be seperate.
So if anyone knows how it’s gone wrong and how to solve the shading issues, please post.
EDIT: Joining the higher part to the lower part and then seperating them seemed to do the trick. Thanks everyone.
August 27, 2011, 6:49am
I have forgotten to wirte you have no light in the layer 9.
Without light the shading can’t be calcualted.
Select the light.
Press M-key.
Shift select the layer 9.