Weird ques on animating a face.

Ok, so I made my first face and i’m trying to animate it. First thing I did was make shape keys for blinking. My shape keys work fine. I loaded up my animation window, and shape keys were already in action editor. I made a quick animation of my guy blinking. When I click the play button I saw him blinking in the 3d window. I then saved it as a vid and all was good.

Next I made some mouth movments. Shape keys work fine. Shape keys work in action editor. When I animate using shape keys in action editor and press play I cannot see my model making the actions in 3d window. My vid works, it will record what I want it to do but when playing nothing moves anymore in the 3d window. My original blinking wont even show anymore, but will still render out as vid ok.

What did I do to make it not show me the movment in the 3d window when playing?

Thanks for any help.

Put the mouse cursor in the 3d window and press ALT-A. Does it work ?

Which “play” button are you talking about?

The PLAY button under the Do Sequence / Do Composite buttons ?

That button is not for previewing your animation. It actually plays back your rendererd frames or movie.

Are you filling in the output and format panels before you render your animations?

If not see this thread :


Got it. If the datablock info with name is there it will not play. I hit the x to delete datablock form view and the bake button comes on the animation will preview.

thanks though