I dont know what this is. But in older versions of blender I just change the alpha blend to opaque or whatever and its fine. It was bright, no shadows or lights. I can see just fine. But for some reason in modern blender it looks like this
I cant see anything and it’s getting old. How am I supposed to check my rig and see how the verts look etc when the model is dark and I can’t see a thing? What is this stupid light and shadow crap? I have scene lights and scene world checked because without them then there is this weird light that follows the screen when I move the camera light there’s a sun. It was annoying. So even with scene lights and scene world checked I still got this annoying shadow effect and I don’t want that!
Who thought this was a good idea??? They didnt have this in older versions! It was bright, normal and I can see what my texture looks like. But since I moved to 4.2 and 4.3 its just dark like this. I used to go to an older version of blender, load the model, set it to opaque to remove transparent issues and then open the blend in the newer version of blender cause it was the ONLY way to remove this stupid light thing. But doing that seems to cause problems so now I have to find a way to remove it in modern blender
So what in the world is this obnoxious shadow effect and how do I get rid of it???