I’m trying to make a glass. But when I render it, weird shadows shows up inside the glass.
I have tried changing the lighting. I also made a some sort of lightbox around the whole glass using emission planes, but the shadows inside the glass stays the same.
I’m using Blender v2.70. I’m using cycles render, and the material of the mesh is cylinder with Glass.BSDF (Beckman). Roughness is set to zero, and IOR at 1.300. Viewport color is white with alpha 1.000 and passindex zero.
The model does also have a subdivision surface, but when I increases the view, the glass get rounded the bottom. I assume this is caused by the flat bottom of the cylinder itself. I will try to change that tomorrow.
The planes around are set to emission white at 10.000.
Yeah, I looked on the mesh today and found out that there was no face at the bottom of the glass at all. I had probably accidentally deleted it. I made the bottom on the outer and inner glass and merged it at the center. I could then increase the view at the subdivision surface while keeping the edges.
It looks like I have found out the problem with the shadows too. I got the shadows from the inside to outside of the glass by choosing the normals - flip direction option and then remove them by turning off the glossy effect under the object properties ray-visibility.
Does it look somewhat realistic now? There is a slight edge with weird shadow right under the top edge of the glass.
Yeah, I looked on the mesh today and found out that there was no face at the bottom of the glass at all. I had probably accidentally deleted it. I made the bottom on the outer and inner glass and merged it at the center. I could then increase the view at the subdivision surface while keeping the edges.
It looks like I have found out the problem with the shadows too. I got the shadows from the inside to outside of the glass by choosing the normals - flip direction option and then remove them by turning off the glossy effect under the object properties ray-visibility.