Weird texture on model

I’m new to Blender and started following the Donut tutorial, but after the sculpting process there was a strange looking texture on it and I can’t figure out where it came from.

Also when I go into edit mode the icing turns black unless I zoom in really close. I’m not sure if there’s a way to change it back to normal? I have a backup if not but it would be great if I could fix this one.

Continuing the discussion from Weird texture on model:

You mean the dots on the frosting? Can you send the edit mode screen shot ? what level od subdived have you and what texture brush have you in sculpt mode?

Yes, the dots on it. Here is the edit mode of it:

The only tools I used in sculpt mode was draw, inflate and flatten. I only used the solidify modifier for the icing twice

Ehh did you by any chanve apply subdivision or mulresolution at very high level ?, or in edit mode did you subdive ? the black is becouse you have many many polys, if you want to get ride of it you have either decimate modifier and apply (the quicker way) or by hand enable auto merge and sellect loop and g to next nearest , or start again but keep in mind to set low detail model and set modifier like multires and in sculpt on the modifier but do not apply , when you say you used solidify modifier for icing twice do you mean like apply the solidify ? seeing how the dots are in almost perfect spacing I think the culprit mind be the solidyfy so teoretical the mesh is like that if thats true then if you go in edit mode select all the mesh and f3-> smoth vertices it should fix it for now but stil the mesh is way to much polys if you get 12 or more such donuts you pc will suffer for sure

Hmm I’ll probably redo it with the backup save I have, but thank you for helping!

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This same thing happened to me when I applied my subdivision surface. I avoided it for a while so couldn’t just undo so I applied the object data properties from the old saved donut icing to the current one. This link explains it better than I could

When I tried again, I turned down the quality of the subdivision surface from 3 down to 1 and when I applied it everything looked fine this time.