Welcome RoLLi

Wow! Wunderful work! I love it!

Superb; perhaps there is still some place for improving light setup in scene but the overall feeling of the scene, models and shaders are really nice! 5* from me!

Why isn’t this in the gallery yet? It’s far better than some of the other images there…

Brilliantly done :smiley:

another great piece. nice job.

thanks guys… here are some light set up…

i used point lights for light series … each with different color as glass and energy 4 plus one sun …

i added 4 planner as an emitters … each with strength 20 and color white to get better source of light from out side and that rim on window’s bar…

Really nice work. Thanks for sharing materials and light setup!

Great style of work!

Based on your light setup and all the gloss and glass materials it is not surprising that the scene may have been quite noisy. Not until recently did I understand more about what causes noise (and also fireflies and anti-fireflies). Thanks to an artist in Poland, I now know we can make use of render passes in cycles (rather than increasing samples) to break out the noisy passes from the clean passes. Then we can use bi-lateral blur nodes to reduce noise in compositing rather than long hours of rendering. Link to video is below for anyone interested in the methods.

All the best,

I absolutely love this. Great work!

thank u so much jddietcoke for this useful information… i will defiantly try this in my new art work… :slight_smile:


hey … very easy and simple lighting setup but still effective … very well done duks … lv ya … keep it up

Exceptional! This was my favorite in the Blender Guru contest.

Squiddles! That is all.

Great image. Thanks for sharing the node set up for the shadders. One question. is the knitted material for the characters a texture image, or procedural? I’m looking to make a similar material and wonder how you made it. It is exactly what I am looking to do.

thank you Riptyde… i used image for basic texture and bump… i simply changed colors of same texture by hue saturation… http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=8769&PHPSESSID=a7f7jtsvl5divur24ie6rau737

nita :slight_smile:

Wow. So simple…yet so beautiful. This is a classic example of how simple materials can lead to excellent results.



wow man, that is amazing, sorry hahahahaha, wow Nita Ji :smiley: Great work and nice.

Amazing. I love the way it looks.

amazing work, I wonder how much time it took you to make this ?

thank u … it took 1 day for modelling everything., 2 days for materials and lighting… and 1 week for look development :slight_smile: i tried to make it day scene then i did night scene which is pretty good than day…
