Welding two edges

i wanna merge “A” and “B” edges , how can i do it easily …i tried but it merged all 4 vertices not the 2 edges :no:


Merge the vertices instead chose two at a time and merge them with the center option

yea thanx is there any easy way ?:confused:

If select panel mesh<edges<collpase it merge them but I don’t know if u want that result… :wink:

yea dude but the result is not good :confused: i normally enter to the meging option by pressing “W” key and then select merge …plezzzz any clue ? thanx

in this particular case you could select both edges, then press ‘s’ -> ‘x’ -> ‘0’. This will place the edges on top of eachother, and you can then press ‘w’ -> ‘revome doubles’ to weld the edges together.

You don’t have to use ‘w’ -> ‘merge’ you can just press ‘Alt + m’

Just merge the top two vertices, then the bottom two vertices. It’s very simple

morio - thanx dude it really helps
cganim8or - thanx dude