Wet Bathroom Floor

Hey guys,

Just trying to get a wet floor look to this scene.
Not much going on here, if there was more in this scene going on I’d put it in the finished projects probably. My focus here was to create a good looking wet floor and good lighting. I feel like I’ve accomplished both … what do you think?

Also, the picture took 26 minutes to render with ambient occlusion and indirect lighting.


Anyone got any critiques? Anything?

Hi, the problem is, the picture is yery dark and it is hard to see details.
The easiest way is to work with a specmap.

Cheers mib

I just suggest lighting the area up a little so we can really see the reflections of the water on the floor. I honestly can’t tell how wet it is, but i don’t know if that’s just my crappy monitor…

Hmm, too dark? Ok, I guess that won’t be too hard to fix…

I’m not sure what you had in mind but I like the composition very much! I also like this darkness. Its interesting. Less is more.

Agreed very dark, still looks good though