Hi all! I have been messing with the Cycles render in Blender. I want to get good enough to make green screen backgrounds for some of my projects in the future. I started with this balcony scene but am stuck on what to do with it next. It just doesn’t look as realist as I want and don’t really know what I’m doing wrong. Do I need better textures or more detailed objects? or better lighting? Any suggestions (or criticism depending on the mood your in ;)) would be much appreciated!
Here’s my screenshots. I can post the .blend if anyone wants to open it up and show me how its done!
Also I am having trouble getting textures that look good. Does anyone think the subscription to gametextures.com is worth it?
Thank you! I decided to see what I could do in the GE since that’s what I’m familiar with. I think this one looks twice as good as the last. I hope I can keep up the progress!
Don’t be afraid to brighten the image! Looks like you need to turn that sun lamp up a little. Maybe even a HDR to add some better colors. Also look at how things are joining together. The arches meet the posts, but there is no real join if that makes sense. It just hits it, 1 texture hits the other and it looks unnatural. I can also see a lot of geometry at the moment too. Maybe add a sub-surf, or just incrase the vert count a little.