what are the best/must-have blender python scripts?

so what are they?

Well the A.N.T landscape script is really good.
Find it here.
I can’t think of anymore really amazing ones.

God, there are tons of amazing ones.

Kai Kostack’s adaptive subdivision surface script, his collision script.

Big Numbers Toolkit.

There are tons, but deciding which is the best depends on what you need to do. The overall generally most useful are eventually incorporated in Blender under Menu>>Scripts>>Script Name.

The 3D cursor menu script is an absolute must. It is the only thing i found to put the cursor back to the center origin once you’ve accidentally moved it. Blender might have had the feature before but i never found it. With this script its a simple right click on the cursor and a menu pops up with a list of cool features.


3D Cursor.blend (458 KB)

Yse the blender to thread you pHFR

support @ www.fntoy.com

I think you can accomplish that using Shift+C. Not sure what the script does exactly though.

3d cursor menu is the first i install.
it is one of the most useful scripts ever.
I have small documentation here
I suppose i could link you my top ten from the wiki listings.
3d Cursor Menu
ANT Landscape Creator
Alan’s Cloud Generator
Geodesic Dome
2d Cutout Images
Add Mesh Toolkit
Auto Tile
Make Human
just to name a few…
top ten…who am i kidding.
i could not fit my favorites in a top 50.

in the scripts catalog the scripts listed in the orange sections are generally pretty good.

thanks everyone, especially Meta-Androcto :slight_smile: :slight_smile: feel free to keep adding to this list