On Christmas Eve, we eat snacks (beef summer sausage, olives, chips and onion dip, crackers, cheese) and then after the dinner, we go in the car and drive around town looking at all the lights. Christmas Day, we open presents, eat more snacks and have dinner. (Eve is turkey and Day is Ham)
Heres a tip for people who have a real pine tree, fill the basin or thing to held the tree with crumpled newspaper, with an indent in the middle to fit the trunk of the tree, then place more newspaper until its snug, follow with a thing of water to water the tree and the papers will become mushy, later hardening around the tree yet keeping it nice and watered!
My family’s traditions:
Every year we “adopt” a local family in need and buy them gifts (anonymously).
Making homemade candy: caramel turtles, buckeyes, peanut brittle, English toffee.
Sledding down the hill onto the frozen lake (keeping fingers crossed this year - it’s been too warm!).
For my daughter, Father Christmas always leaves an ice cream sundae in the freezer on Christmas morning and she eats it for breakfast. He’s been doing this for 18 years and I’m sure he won’t miss this year either.
He might bite you, Drew
What I do depends from year to year… last year me and some friends sneaked out to, well, “consume” lots and lots of gluhwein right behind the shack where they held the Christmas party of the boy scouts. Fun days
This year this will be a bit more civilized, though.
Saint Nick was(and is) never that nice to me, he just eats my cookies…
the fat bastard!
only real “tradition” I have is that I burn things (maybe that’s the reason he never took my cookies )