Nothing in Anime has definition except the character names and the mecha. Everything else is flexible, like the laws of physics.
not enough detail?
Thats just fine to me! I think it looks great! I’m incredibly impressed! How do I get the build of Blender that has toon shading and blinn?
The Toon and blinn is in Tuhopuu which can be found it its CVS in or you can go in the forums of and look for the version that already have been complied with it.
You could complie it yourself but thats not too fun heh
I got a few other critz and one ways to make the sweater fuzzy…So i tried and tried and tried and all the dupliverts would now do it… so now I am tring to fiber script the only problem it keeps only wanting to create a few furs… is there a way to make a lot of fur with out:
IndexError: list index out of range
Maybe make a piece of fuzz in photoshop with a transparent background and use it as a texture on a plane, then just tell it to duplicate the plane approximate 32 billion times.
Desoto-111 um… i just said dupliverts wont work…
The problem the fur wont form right…so I am resulting in using fiber…the image is with duplivert
Who said anything about dupliverts? %|
Maybe you could try this technique for the fuzz? (scroll down to ‘fake fur’)
I don’t know how appropriate it would be for the cel-shaded style, but perhaps it could be modified… ?