What came first? the chicken or the egg?

Not quite sure what to reply to that, TBH :wink: I think that as long as no one tries to convince anyone else that there’s only their kind of truth, we should be okay :wink: As Obi-Wan Kenobi once said, “many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” - the same goes for both science and religion, as well as pretty much anything else.

I’ll admit, I don’t have any “conventional” beliefs, but I don’t mind hearing about different religions and mythologies. I like learning about the world around me, and it’s one of our more unique traits as a species, in my opinion :slight_smile: So many different cultures, histories, mythologies, beliefs, mostly because of our varied environments and interactions with other people form other places. It’s awesome, really.

Anyway, quickly getting Off-Topic :o

EDIT - I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone, btw, it really wasn’t my intention - quite the opposite, in fact

As the forum rules state (though I don’t pretend to know them by heart), discussions relating to any religion are off the table, since they’re sensitive subjects and something that is very personal. We should cut this current “line of thought” while we’re ahead :slight_smile:

Haven’t offended me. :slight_smile:

Actually, it depends who is smoking the cigarette.

The egg came first. Because different species had been laying eggs for thousands of years before the chicken even turned up. So the answer is egg!! :smiley:

The problem here is the definition of a chicken. A pre-chicken was not a chicken, yet it was a chicken. But is this the question? Does the question concern about a chicken or a pre-chicken. I would interpret it concerns all the forms of chicken, both pre-chicken and post-apocalyptic-chicken. Therefore an egg becomes the form of reproduction of an existing chicken. But same time a chicken and an egg are the same. Nothing new got created when an egg transforms to a chicken. Same way the egg is a result of the copying process of an chicken. Now, is the copying process older than entity itself? I would say they are again the same. Maybe copying process, meaning change, is older, because the existence of matter has been identified by the terms of change and energy.

But there was a time when there were no chickens, and now we have chickens, so at some point there must have been the first creature that would have been considered a chicken. And since no genetic change takes place during the transformation from egg to chicken, the transformation has to occur when the egg is made. Something that is not quite considered a chicken did at some point lay an egg, that differed only slightly from the parent organisms, and thus began the age of chickens. However, pinpointing the exact generation when this happened, is not possible, since I would guess that you can’t really get a new species in only one generation. You need to look at a bigger change over time, and then take the ancestor, and some creature probably hundreds or thousands of generations later and look at the differences before you can say it’s a new species.

In other words, if you look back in time one generation at a time (assuming you would have access to data from every generation), you might be able to trace back a chicken to some primitive bacteria, while keeping the difference between two consecutive generations pretty much negligible. Still, as I said previously, no change genetic change happens during the transformation from egg to chicken, so I stand behind my argument that the egg came first.

That was what I was trying to express, but you did it more eloquently :slight_smile:

@Snifix For some reason I found your post very reminiscent of The Hitchhiker’s Guide - even if it doesn’t really bear any resemblance to the often-times zany descriptions it gives, LOL

@J.F.Robot - Ah, happy to hear it :smiley:

Finally Dear Readers!! Somebody who is as bat insane as I am!
Of course this really depends on what we mean by bat insane. If, by any chance, we are referring to the possibility that he would be willing to jump off of a plane into the Grand Canyon without a parachute or other form of life saving mechanism, then in this case, the two of us are not alike. But if we are referring to the possibility that this man uses crazy, non-sensical, non-sequiturs and hears voices of supposed military personnel, then in a way we are alike.

The chickenosaurus.

Shape-shifting Dinosaurs.

Hi guys! If you mean a regular egg and a chicken, then I think it must be the egg.

But if you mean a chicken’s egg or the chicken, then according to scientists it’s the chicken.

Look at this link:

I had originally seen it on the National Geographic channel a while back but couldn’t get a link to it. I found this one and it says exactly the same as the one on NatGeo.

egg otheR//!5E||0<||<E||

And God said: let be there a chicken or an egg. And Adam wanted a chicken and Eve wanted an egg, they were discussing about it all day all night, so God created the both at same time, just to get rid of them and have peace again in Paradise!

Obviously if you’re looking for a literally correct answer, picking an arbitrary work of fiction to find the answer won’t get you anywhere (some folks are pretty dogmatic about their ancient Hebrew myths, but hell, certain Hindu myths say the universe came from one big egg, which would mean the answer to which came first is always the egg). But, as has been established earlier in the thread, eggs in various forms not only long-predate chickens as a species, but if you’re addressing chicken eggs specifically, the parents of the first chicken would have had to lay the first chicken egg. BUT, since speciation is a fuzzy business, there isn’t necessarily a distinct line between pre-chickens and chickens.

You don’t seriously think Eve left it at that do you?
You know that Adam had to listen to her rant for the rest of the day about being patronized and allergic to feathers and how all she was wanted was a freaking omelette!

Thank you for posting this, Traveller.
Jack Horner is great, and this is great vid. EXTREMELY instructive to the whole question of the thread. I’m supposed to be making christmas render right now, but I can’t stop watching this. He really cracks me up.
“No. No. FIX THE CHICKEN!!!”-the 6th graders of america

I added another talk of his from TED.

Neither, we evolved from single cell organisms.

Both came together , and then chicken sit on the egg to produce a new baby chicken :smiley:

thehorseman007 , Theory :smiley:

The purpose of the question is to elicit debate, not to elicit an answer. That is the truth of the question and not the chicken or the egg, so agree with whichever side your relationship would be most profitable. A bit like the nuclear arms race. I suggest, we agree with the Americans because they have the most bombs, not because they are right.

Who said we have the most bombs?!?! :stuck_out_tongue: