What can you do with lyapuno and mandelbrot procedural nodes?.

( some older tests and samples here:
http://maitag.de/semmi/blender/mandelbulb/?C=M;O=D :wink:

Nice is to see how lyapunov folds like origami:

You can also change formular that describes the dynamic-system ->

to decrypt and enlight more noisy chaos :wink:

( some older tests and samples here:
http://maitag.de/semmi/blender/mandelbulb/?C=M;O=D :wink:

Nice is to see how lyapunov folds like origami:

You can also change formular that describes the dynamic-system ->

to decrypt and enlight more noisy chaos :wink:

( older ones here: maitag -> ‘dot’ -> de -> ‘slash’ -> semmi -> ‘slash’ -> blender :slight_smile:

^^^ so artsy renders of Mandlebulb and Lyapunov fractals then :smiley:

Some more useless 2d textures :p, i did this by only changing one variable.

I don´t know any other textures, that could be that mutable that fast.

Some Volumes

Can you show the node setups for these? Thanks.

Sure, it is an OSL script by tree3d:

mandelbrotOSL.blend (576 KB)

Here is another one, he did,it´s the Buddhabrot:

Ah I see - so these haven’t been created using the new cycles textures.

DERBENDER: Nice to see mandel-boxes to in blender :slight_smile:

Last time i played around with lyapunov and internal renderer
and get out this cloudy result:

lyap_bi-volume-test3.blend (464 KB)

deep inside lyapunov fractal it looks like this :wink:

Razorblade : -> awesome node reciepe (not only for cloth-design)

In kind of cycles-kernelsize (svm) i think it should be keeped small and stable!
(anyway hardware doubles;).

Nice to have would be a switch to build new cuda-kernels that includes new procedural build-in stuff,
like with “experimental” switch in blender gpu-rendersetting.

( i need that “loops” node to :slight_smile:

Build from OP is not available anymore, is there any other way to test this procedurals?

here is my windows-build i rendered with: maitag <dot> de <slash> semmi <slash> blender <slash> lyapunov <slash> builds
( sry, new forum-users not able to post direct links here :wink:

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Thank you very much :smiley:

test: Mandelbulb Texture in Cycles Volume on GPU

Tho, there are quite a big differences using GPU vs. CPU (OSL Off) vs. CPU (OSL On)…