what causes people to leave bge halfway through a project and go for another engine?

It’s your choice, you wanna use unity/unreal fine.

Not resonable how, the person want’s to use the software he wants. Not every body want’s to share profit of their game with a company.

I’m not talking about assets- I’d never use a premade material, model, shader- I just need the tools to do so. For example in the bge there’s no real standard menu editor, or particle editor, animation management system or a better visual logic editor that ships with blender. Those are pretty standard or even an api type thing to use in code. It isn’t really made to make the devs life easier- it’s not really made very well as an engine to make games- it’s an engine that uses tools for vfx or animation but there’s not much dedicated game making features. How does one go about setting up IAP’s in blender? A networking system? You gotta make it yourself- which is time not spent focusing on making your game the best it can be.
@Nathan- there are a variety of free open source engines that were made with the dev in mind where you don’t have to share revenue. Like jmonkey- that’s free, open source and crossplatform- all the way to android. Also you have to think about the fact that money can be involved. At that point let’s say you have a year with the funds you’ve gathered- you can’t go about setting up the editor to do basic things- you need to make your game and that is t the utmost priority

@ Kamiyana - Open source engines, android. Come on, are you telling me that you would want to play a game like GTA or call of duty on android.
I just searched the jmonkey site and it is not so impressive.
And one more thing, the time spent exporting models and everything from blender to jmonkey makes up for the time spent writing the code if you are experienced.

You’ve never used jmonkey- so how would you know? Jmonkey works natively with the .blend- so to update a mesh from blender- I: delete the mesh, click import .blend, choose the file, it updates the mesh and puts it in the exact same spot. Three click process. Importing isn’t really the end of the world. Jmonkey also has a standard way to actually make menu’s. It has post process effects like HDR, Bloom, SSAO and a particle system built in as well as networking support, rag doll physics and combo handling. Blender does not really support android. That’s a problem with all these android based game consoles now-even the ps vita tv uses it.
So why would I choose blender over that?

Agreed, i would not know but someone experienced with blender and jmonkey would know and that’s where i got the info; from their forum

I agree, when it comes to engines, you do want all this tools build-in and just focus on making assets and writing the scripts. I tested the jmonkey, but you need more programming exp to use it.

@nathan :You still didn’t answer the question- why would I choose blender over another more feature rich engine? Importing models takes a lot less time than getting a particle system, networking, and post processing system working.
Have you ever done any of that from scratch before? Because I think you’re severely underestimating the time it takes to get all that stuff and more running.
@Akira_San: I prefer it because it actually seems alittle easier than python and they have abunch of modules you can drag and drop into your code. It really works and looks like a free open source java based unity type engine.

As they say: time is money.

A lot of the BGE users are newbies so making it from scratch acts as a useful learning tool.

When it comes to commercial development, companies rather not make things from scratch. Not only does it take up precious time to develop, it also requires maintenance, upgrading, etc. So they really want tools for everything so that they don’t need to create those tools themselves. Anyhow, only the largest companies are able to maintain their own internal tools. Considering how volatile the game industry/market is, it makes more sense to outsource that aspect. Where open-source helps is when suitable tools are already in place, such as adding camera tracking or motion capture to Blender.

What would help the BGE is if we could organize all those tools (scripts, assets, tutorials, etc.) into something easily accessible rather than searching forum threads. For example, the particle systems, agoose’s Networking library, Hive, etc.

Why would you choose another over blender. It’s all up to you. Why would another person use blender over unity, again, choice.

I’m not just talking about the choice- I’m asking why you would choose blender over another more feature rich engine.What objective points would sway you to make the choice of blender. You have to really want to work in blender to put up with it.

@Kamiyama - That guy (teen) chose blender over unity, so you see, it’s your choice.
@Mahalin - isn’t that what they are trying to do by changing bge to bim (bllender interaction mode)

Please, WHY would you choose blender over another engine. I’m askiing you to explain in words the exact objective reasons why choose the blender game engine over something like UDK. So explain why- don’t tell me about the choice tell me why the choice was made- why would you?

Because i’m not yet a perfect blender user yet, my reasons for now would be that i won’t want to learn two softwares.
Don’t want to share my earnings.

'‘Don’t want to share my earnings.’'Well, thats not something to be proud of…

You’ll get revenue if you finish a game. And if people actually buy your game.
From your examples (all other peoples work) you might be new to using the bge right now- so I guess you’re in the stage of wonder. Are you fluent in python?

Learning. Anyways it’ll be better to be thinking of what bge needs to be better and not the problems because it’s not going to solve anything.

I solved everything by not using the bge.

I am saying that what will make bge better for other users.
Do you use blender because it seems like you may not like it.:confused:

Kami, after all these posts I got a bit blurred … are you ‘defending’ or are you 'telling the truth ’ about bge?
Lots of people around here are just newbies,which just like 90% are fanboys, they talk about bge like they have been used it for 20 years.