What do FBX lacks from Blender?

Interesting. Thanks for the tip.

This method is pretty crude. Using Blender’s groups would be a way more efficient.

Cyaoeu Here’s some screenshots of what I’m doing.

Exporter code edit and creating my ‘Empty LOD Group’

My export settings

My UE4 import settings

Imports meshes

No LODs in there place

Yeah, it seems like that should work. I mean it does work for me using the same setup. I see you’re using the text editor in Blender to edit the fbx exporter, not sure if that works (probably can’t edit when Blender is running), you should check if the changes are saved in the file after exiting Blender. If you only change the settings and don’t save the changes then you won’t get the effects of the edits, you will need to save the file and quit Blender, then open it again. Just check using Notepad or whatever.

should combine meshes be enabled in unreal? I tried with and without ,but still no luck.

No. Still, I think your FBX exporter changes didn’t work. I get the same results like you if I name the Empty something else so the “LOD” code isn’t triggered.

I also made a simple script for creating an empty and parenting everything automatically. It assumes three LOD levels with the objects being named “_LOD0”, “_LOD1” and “_LOD2”. But you can change this if you want. Just select the meshes and run the script.

import bpy                                                       
empty = bpy.data.objects.new("empty", None)
for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    if obj.name.endswith("_LOD0"):
        LOD0 = obj
    if obj.name.endswith("_LOD1"):
        LOD1 = obj
    if obj.name.endswith("_LOD2"):
        LOD2 = obj
splitname = LOD0.name.split("_")
empty.name = "LOD_" + splitname[0]
LODArray = [LOD0, LOD1, LOD2]
for LOD in LODArray:
    LOD.select = True
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = empty

Ok, I restarted blender, tried again and it seems to work now. Don’t know why that made any difference, cause any other add-on I’ve changed, all I’ve had to do was disable and enable again.