What Do Us Nerds Do With Free Time?

Hey, I was just wondering what most of you do with your free time at home outside of Blender. Because we all share blender in common, but what else do we share. I like to play with our dog a lot, I like to play video games, watch fiction movies from Star Wars to Star Dust, I like to read books like Harry Potter, Eragon( Movie was aweful!) I play around with green screen sometimes, but thats starting to get into the blender related areas. I spend a fare amount of time on Facebook, but usually in the backround while I’m blending, those are some of the basics of my life, what do you do with yours?

lol, the Eragon movie was bad…that reminds me, I wonder when the fourth book is going to come out…

well, I like video games as well (who could’ve guessed? :rolleyes:), mostly Zelda, Mario, Brawl, a few others… getting into the Sonic the Hedgehog games too. as for books, I really like Isaac Asimov’s short stories and the Foundation trilogy, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Eragon, The Dark is Rising, that sort of stuff.
I also have a hobby of “sword-fighting” with long sticks - like, Jedi-ish-type stuff :stuck_out_tongue: it’s fun, but tough too, and always rewarding when you finally nail a certain move after weeks of on-and-off practice.
started practicing drawing recently too…though I still can’t draw any of my own characters :frowning: that ties in with some stories I’ve been writing for a few years, though it’s a real pain trying to keep everything consistent, and to have it make sense…

I spend a lot of my free time Blending though. I have a lot to learn about every aspect, from modelling to compositing to animation, so…yeah.

anyway, there’s another version of this on my blog :


I redesigned recently, and added an About Me page :smiley:

…lol, I once again managed to get one of my sites/links/pages into a post… :rolleyes:

edit - oh, and I spend a lot of time here in Off-Topic :wink:

I wouldnt consider myself a nerd so i dont really do much computer work. I do things like remodeling my house, work on cars and more work on the house.
As far as TV goes I only watch comedy, scientific documentaries and formula 1 racing. I dont play video games (I do not own any consoles). IMO video games are for children.

I do listen to a lot of electronic music and like few songs played on the radio as long as they are not tractor music related (country music).

Aside from other computer orientated activities I usually spend my free time:

  • at the gym
  • working on my car(s)
  • with friends/girlfriend
  • watching movies/tv shows
  • playing video games

But with uni full time (5 days a week) and work 5 nights a week I dont get too much time to do all that :no: except in holidays of course. :cool:

Uni is taking most of my time, trying to do some additional courses next to my standard curriculum is eating up a lot of my free time (and blender time).

I still spend to much time playing videogames.

I love watching comedies, but I also watch stuff from discovery channel and nat geo.

Other than that I don’t really know what is eating up my time.

free time? free time is for lazy people! as well as sleeping tim! i jsut spend 24/7 on blender :smiley:
lol… now seriously…
I work with a christian non profit organistation called youth with a mission… u know… travelling the world and stuff :D… doing media stuff and mercy works to help out people that need it :slight_smile: (media is mainly to help other groups of people get their name and what they do out to the world)

In my free time i love doing blender stuff… spend time with my girlfriend and other friends as well as some light gaming… (few hours a week) I love travelling and seeing new places so i guess that counts as a hobby :stuck_out_tongue:

A new hobby of mine is photography… my mum is a photographer and ive been playing with her camera(s) and I really love it! I just ordered my first DSLR and it should arrive tomorrow!! im so happy!

define nerd?

I used to play with film and photography but it got a bit expensive so I switched to blender modeling and texturing.

I like to eat im trying to gain weight, video games (heres a good question who doesnt play video games thats a member of this fourm)

I watch tv, mainly discovery.

I like spending time with girlfriend / friends.

I really like the color orange.

I like all forms of art scetching is my favorite and graphite drawing also pen.

and of course I like to blend… you know like smoothys and stuff.

O and I like 3d graphics.

Anybody who is wasting time looking at this thread and loves Blender.

homework, eat, sleep and poop

(comment removed)

Well I like playing drums in my free time and I also really enjoy watching comedy shows like Its always sunny in Philadelphia (new season started :D). And I also playing some video games in the weekends.

Me!!! I enjoy them but only play mabye, 5 or 6 hours a year at partys.

Anyways here is my hobbies:

  • I am really into film-making and have made a ton of stuff with my friend.

  • I enjoy all types of sports (especially garbage ball)

  • I love music and play guitar, drums, bass guitar, piano, violin, sax, harmonica and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on.

  • I do a lot of community theater too.

  • Hanging out with my friends and gf
    that and blender is pretty much all I do all year long

After work, I like cooking, surfing on the Internet and watching touched movies.

Candle lit dinners and long walks on the beach

school, work, guitar/Russian/Latin/CG, shower, sleep

school, work (almost the same thing lol), drawing, reading, writing, ranting about random things too random people.

play quake live
if i get bored, i watch youtube videos of others playing quake live

These days I spent my free time on collecting small beautiful leaves of different kinds.

Free time huh, um, outside of school and work, normal stuff I guess: guitar/bass, house work, yard work (the goats die soon, so less of that in the near future, but processing them will be a decent chore) been getting into drawing more, writing (mostly stories, but occasionally I write on other subjects that interest me, like politics or science not covered in my classes. Writing about something is a great way to remember it.) and I’ve been teaching myself Chinese slowly, very slowly.
and yeah the occasional friend stuff, though for the most part I’m an introverted night dweller. I haven’t played any video games other then one time of wii sports with the family in a few months, never was real big with video games though, I’d rather read a book. Surprisingly I haven’t read much in the way of real books lately… but wow he still hasn’t finished The Inheritance Cycle’s fourth book… too busy with his premature fame I guess… yeah, I guess I’ve spent my book time on manga lately, though that is getting old rather quickly sense there are basically only half a dozen plots for 90% of them, oh and I’m following about two dozen online web comics, not that that takes much time though, I wouldn’t count listening to music as a pass time, as it is something I do while doing other things as well.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, other random short activities that tend to show up all the time. I know this must sound like I have a crapload of free time, but I don’t, I just manage it well. :slight_smile: by not wasting it with video games.