I did a quick search, and found nothing. So, what do you do when your bored? I usally look for an old game, google this topic (you can find some fun stuff to do in Wal-Mart, drivethroughs, and even restarunts), randomly start spamming people on Xfire that I do/don’t know, or in the latest case of boredom, tried to learn how the little green line in audio players and such works (Scope its called in WMP, and I seem to have had some succuss… I think). So, What do you do, and please, keep it clean.
PS, first one to guess why I’m posting this gets a cookie
As it happens I’m bored to. What do I do when I’m bored? Um… look at forums (like now), listen to music, watch a movie, try to think of something less boring to do.
There’s really not much I can do to be less bored around here. No towns within 20 miles, no people I know in about the same radius. No highspeed internet (life would be a lot less boring then) or anything, so I’m bored a lot, with not much I can do to avoid it… Tear
I feel loved… I’m the only one on Xfire… Anyways, because I’m still bored, I’l start spamming here. Jk. Well, don’t feel like using google to read the rants of uninformed 10 year olds who hate bush because its the in thing to do, nobodys on Xfire, and too tired to learn something new (although, I was looking for a Japanese tutor recently), too tired to work on my martial arts form, so that leaves on option. Night all.
I probibly do something not very many people think of:
I start making myself happy when I’m bored.
My folks told me that I would go blind if I did that!
One time however, I managed to access the store-wide paging system of a fairly large supermarket and announced that for the next 15 minutes that there was free meat in the meat department. Gosh, wish I could have been there to see the results! 'Phones are still fun.
Well, if you are really bored, here’s something to do. Find out exactly how to get a scene into POVray, lights and camera included, then render it over a lan using thisscript. Once you’ve done that, send me a step-by-step guide, since I want to do this, but have got absolutely no time to figure it out right now…
There is nothing like a good spoon feed
I can’t really explain it, but I just start thinking,“I will make myself happy.” And keep thinking it, and keep reminding myself that I just have to keep trying and sooner or later it’ll happen. It actually works. I also just try to be happy, smiling can help.
I always keep a copy of Diablo II or Dungeon Siege or Mech Commander on my HD. There’s nothing quite like the brainless slaying of countless virtual enemies to pass the time away…
Then, with my mind otherwise numb, a new idea or two creeps in and off I go to work on it.
Read books, mostly fantasy novels. I have this list and keep a rolling account with the library. Also, read a few forums, do some programming, or modeling, work on a game. If I get really, really, really bored, I do some housework. I hardly ever get that bored, though.
Sleep : whenever I am bored that is only because I am too tired to focus on what will remain central to me for the rest of my life : love, ‘work’ and wondering about life itself.