What do you think of 123D?

Autodesk has a new software package 123D. And it is free.
Yes, completely free.

It has a rather different approach to modeling, as well as a different intention.

I tried using it, and it is extremely simple. You can learn the interface in 10 minutes. I guess it was designed to be used be kids in school as intro app to 3D. I think. At least that’s how it feels.

So, what do you think of it? Whats the point of it in your opinion? Why would Autodesk make it anyways?

I did try it & didn’t get anything much done really,
only ended up with lots of mangled models.
And the app was rather fidgety(not sure how to better explain it).

In that case, ouch.
The kid’s would probably be better of learning about 3D modeling in K3D or Houdini. :eek:

Again, just the impression I was left with,
perhaps it’s just because it’s beta,
lets hope it will improve then.

well, I think it is more of CAD app than a modeling app. I mean, I just can’t imagine how I would go about making a 3D character with it. :confused:

I don’t actually see the point of why autodesk made it at all… what for?

Marketing and is a good way to “train” users to choose and buy the fully featured Autodesk Products.

They offer a lite version for free, you buy the full version for a price. (yup. 123D is mostly a lite version of Inventor, that is aimed to the mechanical world. Not the artistic world)