What does a Cootie look like anyway?

Cooties, never seen one, never been bitten by one, but I guess they look like this:-

Side view.
–>http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cootieside.jpg<-- Click here for larger vision.

Front view.
–>http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cootiesfront.jpg<-- Click here for larger vision.

45 degree view.
–>http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cooties45.jpg<-- Click here for larger vision.

Thanks for looking, C&C as always,


Don’t think cooties look like this but I assume they would be happy to look like this. :slight_smile:

Wow, You might win! :smiley:

Great desing sonix. Excellent job.

Only crit is to make the environment better so the reflections come out more for a better chrome effect. But that’s all I can think of.


Wow!. If cooties look like that, I don’t think I’m going to kiss any girl without a shotgun :stuck_out_tongue: .

Excelent rendition.

Some new versions. Click thumbnail for larger visions.

—> http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cooties445TM.jpg <—

—> http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cooties4sideTM.jpg <—

—> http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cootiestage345TM.jpg <—

—> http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/Cootiestage3Top45TM.jpg <—

Hope you like them, I didn’t get chance to redo the envmap though,


Hope I never run into one of these!

