what does this row of boxes mean 2.69

before, they made it so if there was somthing in that layer then there would be a dot there.
now all have a bright orange dot in them.
they are supposed to be empty.
except the first one.
if i delete what is in a box it deletes them all!
what button have i accidentally preseed?


you made something exist on all layers, and it is orange since it is viewable

i realise that!
but how do i UNDO it!

To get objects only on the 1st layer, go to each layers, in Object Mode press A to select all objects (make sure they’re all visible) then :

  • move them into the 1st layer by pressing M and click on the 1st layer
  • delete all of them by pressing X

Select the object, M to move to layer, if all layers are indicated, then shift-click the ones you want to remove the object from

thanks but they all the same - as i said, if i delete one then i delete all
so what will happen to moving them

At that point you should post your blend so someone can give a closer look, either attach it to your post , or upload it to

good idea!

In the Properties editor, Object tab, under Relations, you can see a similar table for layers, from there you can select which layers the active object will be or not.


thanks - i will give it a try

news update- worked perfectly.