What does 'Undocumented Operator' mean

I’ve been trying to use the thread section of Machin3 tools add on. Every time I try to impliment the thread It says ‘Undocumente Operator’ Clicking on make the thread does nothing. What is undocumented operator and how do I resolve this problem. Thank you

You need a Cylinder without a top or bottom…select it enter edit mode…select all of the cylinder faces and then use Right Click > Machi3 > Add Thread…

It will not work if the cylinder has top or bottom faces, but they can be added after the thread is applied.

“Undocumented Operator” is a warning you didn’t do something correctly. It is more of a Warning than an Error.

‘Undocumented operator’ is shown when the operator does not have a tooltip set up, it’s nothing the user did wrong.